General information

CVBA DLPA Advocaten is a company under civil law in the form of a cooperative partnership with limited liability (CVBA), registered at 8500 Kortrijk, Cotton Park, Spinnerijstraat 99/22, with its office at the same address.

The firm’s company registration number is 0439.620.727.

All the lawyers at our firm are lawyers in Belgium, registered at the Kortrijk bar. They work in the areas of law described in the ‘Practice Areas’ section of our website.

You can get in touch on the ‘Contact Us’ page of this website or by sending an e-mail to the personal e-mail address of each lawyer, which is

If you wish to receive further information or if you have a complaint, you can contact us:

by post at our office address at Cotton Park, Spinnerijstraat 99/22, 8500 Kortrijk,
by e-mail at the address,
or by telephone on +32 (0)56 26 81 81.

Our professional liability is insured by Amlin Europe NV, Koning Albert II laan 37, 1030 Brussels, through a collective policy underwritten by the Flemish Bar Council, and by AG Insurance, Emiel Jacqmainlaan 53, 1000 Brussels, through Vanbreda Risk & Benefit, Plantin en Moretuslei 297, 2140 Antwerp.

The policy insuring the professional liability of your counsel grants worldwide cover, with the exception of claims made against the insured party in the USA or Canada or under the legislation or jurisdiction of the USA or Canada.

As lawyers registered at the West-Flanders bar, we are subject to the regulations of the Flemish Bar Council, which you can consult here, as well as the regulations of the West-Flanders bar, which can be consulted at the office of the secretary to the Bar located at 8000 Brugge, Langestraat 120.

You can consult the general terms and conditions we apply on the ‘General terms and conditions’ page of our website.